TANAN club

Tanan Club

The "Tanan" club at MSUE-SFT collaborates with departments to support school activities, foster student initiative, and increase social participation through various community-oriented activities.

2022-2024 Activities by the "Tanan" Club:

Successfully participated in the MSUE Student Art Festival.

First place in group dance, second place in theatrical performance. 

Organized an exhibition on the 4th floor of the MSUE-SFT Art and Design Department with the artworks created in collaboration with the NGO “Journey into Autism.

” The project course “Journey into Autism” was conducted in collaboration with the NGO “Green Way.

“Аутизмд хийсэн аялал” төсөлт хичээл Ногоон зам ТББ-тай хамтран зохион байгуулав.


Actively participated in the CLEAN UP-2023 project on World Clean Up Day on September 16, 2023, cleaning the Tuul River basin.

Won first place in the "Innovative Material Design Solution" category at the "Golden Mouse 2023" festival with projects from integrated classes of MSUE-SFT Art and Design department students.

Conducted a modeling course exclusively for MSUE students to enhance their aesthetic sense.


Collaborated with the Theatre Arts School of the University of Culture and Arts to create costumes from recycled materials for the play “The Kingdom of Elegance.”

Initiated and implemented eco-design projects within the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to integrate "Eco" design into education.